James Pitman

James Pitman is the Chief of the Information and Education Division for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.

December, 2021

  • 21 December

    Ragú de venado del estilo francés

    El modelo de conservación de la vida silvestre de América del Norte (North American Model of Wildlife Conservation) identifica los componentes importantes que hacen que la conservación sea única en los Estados Unidos. Uno de los principios fundamentales del modelo es el hecho de que los recursos de vida silvestre …

  • 21 December

    French-style Venison Ragoût

    The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation identifies the key components that make conservation unique in America. One of the main principles of the model is the fact that wildlife resources are held in public trust and private ownership is not allowed. While we may take this fact for granted …

  • 6 December

    Guardabosques auxiliar Norris Green y la tragedia de Grapevine Canyon

    Estoy seguro que era un sábado por la mañana húmeda y fría cuando el guardabosques Ananias “Norris” Green cabalgaba por Grapevine Canyon el 15 de noviembre de 1941. Este año sigue siendo el más húmedo registrado en Nuevo México hasta hoy. El guardabosques Green estaba patrullando el campo abierto del …

  • 6 December

    Deputy Game Warden Norris Green and the Tragedy of Grapevine Canyon

    I’m sure it was a damp and chilly Saturday morning as Warden Ananias “Norris” Green rode his horse down Grapevine Canyon on Nov. 15, 1941. The year remains the wettest on record for New Mexico to this day. Warden Green was patrolling the wide-open canyon country south of Alamogordo while …

November, 2021

  • 12 November

    La reliquia de conservación y el berrendo del Sr. Griggs

    “Conservando la vida silvestre de Nuevo México para las generaciones futuras“: este pequeño eslogan del Departamento de Caza y Pesca de Nuevo México (New Mexico Department of Game and Fish o NMDGF en inglés) tiene un gran significado. Habla de la importancia de la vida silvestre en la vida de …

  • 12 November

    The Conservation Heirloom and Mr. Griggs’ Pronghorn

    “Conserving New Mexico’s wildlife for future generations” — this small slogan of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) has a large meaning. It speaks to the importance of wildlife in people’s lives, and to the impact that wildlife and nature can have in shaping who we are …

August, 2020

  • 27 August

    Greek-Inspired Pitas

    What comes to mind when Ancient Greece is mentioned? Could it be the Olympic games, tales of Hercules or maybe famous philosophers? Did you know that hunting and wildlife management were important parts of the ancient Greek culture? Hunting was undertaken for sport, to provide food and for protection of …

July, 2020

  • 29 July

    Trout in a Tote

    Have you ever seen trout swimming in a backpack? It sounds odd but on a recent trip with the Department’s Rio Grande cutthroat trout biologist, Tucker Brauer, that’s exactly what I saw – several hundred cutthroat trout swimming in dozens of backpacks. It’s a stocking technique utilized by fisheries biologists …

  • 29 July

    85 years of wearing “the bear head” The origin story of the Department logo

    Like many New Mexico Department of Game and Fish personnel before me, I have always been proud to wear the insignia of the Department. And while the exact style of the emblem has changed through the years, the concept has remained the same – a circle-shaped outline with the name …

December, 2019

  • 23 December

    Around New Mexico: Peccaries and Pinot

    When my wife and I were first dating, I somehow convinced her that accompanying me on a javelina hunt in the southwestern region of the state would be the perfect weekend getaway. As we drove toward New Mexico’s Bootheel, we both became more and more excited for the trip. I …