Darren Vaughan

Darren Vaughan is the Communications Director for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.

June, 2022

  • 23 June

    Departamento adapta el manejo de la pesquería de trucha Eagle Nest

    Eagle Nest Lake ha sido conocido durante mucho tiempo como un paraíso para los pescadores, particularmente cuando se trata de truchas arcoíris. Sin embargo, la introducción de lucios del norte no autóctonos en el lago ha llevado al Departamento a buscar soluciones que permitan que prosperen tanto los lucios como …

  • 23 June

    Department adapts management of Eagle Nest trout fishery

    Eagle Nest Lake has long been known as an angler’s paradise, particularly when it comes to rainbow trout. However, the introduction of non-native northern pike to the lake has led the Department to seek solutions that will allow both pike and trout to thrive, preserving the fishery for generations of …

November, 2021

  • 12 November

    WMA Bernardo se someterá a mejoras en los humedales

    Los humedales en el área de control de la vida silvestre (WMA) de Bernardo se renovarán este invierno como parte de un esfuerzo de beneficiar tanto la vida silvestre como los recreacionistas al aire libre. Los trabajos de construcción mejorarán el sistema de control del agua de la propiedad de …

  • 12 November

    Bernardo WMA to undergo wetland improvements

    Wetlands on the Bernardo Wildlife Management Area are getting a facelift this winter as part of an effort to benefit wildlife and outdoor recreationists alike. Construction work will improve the 1,800-acre property’s water-management system, allowing for more efficient use of what is gradually becoming a more limited resource. Other improvements …

September, 2021

  • 8 September

    Department, partners work to restore riparian areas

    Salt cedar, Russian olive and Siberian elm are all common sights along New Mexico’s rivers and streams, despite none of them being native to the Land of Enchantment. While all were brought to New Mexico with the best of intentions, they have since damaged the riparian habitat that many of …

  • 8 September

    Departamento, organizaciones asociadas trabajan para restaurar áreas ribereñas

    El tamarisco, el olivo ruso y el olmo siberiano son especies comunes a lo largo de los ríos y arroyos de Nuevo México, a pesar no son nativos de la Tierra Encantada. A pesar de que todos estos árboles fueron ingresados a Nuevo México con las mejores intenciones, desde entonces …

July, 2021

  • 23 July

    Restoration work brings back beaver dams

    When beavers, previously thought to be a nuisance species, were eliminated from the Edward Sargent Wildlife Management Area, located north of Chama in Rio Arriba County, it had a widespread effect on the entire ecosystem. Without their dams causing streams to pool, surrounding wetland areas began to dry up, creating …

  • 6 July

    Fires can benefit wildlife habitat: New growth can create better, more diverse food sources

    At first glance, wildfires may appear to be dangerous and destructive, but that isn’t always the case. In fact, what would appear to be devastating to the forest, and the wildlife that call it home, is often quite beneficial and even necessary for the long-term survival of flora and fauna …