
February, 2024

  • 9 February

    Department works to #SaveOurSpecies

    For more than 120 years, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has worked tirelessly to manage our state’s diverse wildlife. Our work with game species—any animals that are hunted, fished or trapped—always attracts the (mountain) lion’s share of attention. But managing game species is just one aspect of …

February, 2022

  • 8 February

    Sitios de agua manejada se pueden ajustar para ciertas especies

    Los administradores de vida silvestre han usado el agua durante mucho tiempo, especialmente en el árido suroeste, como una herramienta para ayudar a mantener poblaciones saludables de animales. Lo que comenzó como un puñado de sitios de agua manejados para codornices y venados alrededor de 1940 floreció en unos 6,000 …

  • 8 February

    Managed water sites can be fine-tuned for certain species

    Wildlife managers have long used water, especially in the arid Southwest, as a tool to help support healthy animal populations. What began as a handful of managed water sites for quail and mule deer around 1940 blossomed into some 6,000 sites, intended to increase populations and benefit overall health for …

September, 2020

  • 23 September

    What’s an easement?

    In general, an easement provides the right for a person (or the public) to use the land of another in a particular manner for a specific purpose, says Art Anaya, the Department’s land, water and property specialist. Typically, an easement is a non-possessory interest in land (by another) that does …