Department works to #SaveOurSpecies

For more than 120 years, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has worked tirelessly to manage our state’s diverse wildlife. Our work with game species—any animals that are hunted, fished or trapped—always attracts the (mountain) lion’s share of attention. But managing game species is just one aspect of our goal to conserve New Mexico’s wildlife for future generations.

Our work with New Mexico’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN for short)—non-game animals that play a vital role in our biodiversity but are struggling to survive—is another aspect of our mission that deserves more attention. This issue is devoted to our intrepid efforts as we work towards Saving Our Species through nearly 80 ongoing projects dedicated to our SGCN.

In addition to behind-the-scenes field reports in New Mexico Wildlife, keep an eye out for information on our SGCN conservation efforts on social media by searching for #SaveOurSpecies. You can also meet our staff at public events held across the state. Stay tuned to learn more about the excellent work being done to Save our Species and conserve New Mexico’s biodiversity!

Check out some of our staff’s stories from the field here:

Biologist experiences threats to cuckoos firsthand

Though ‘spineless,’ Texas hornshell key to N.M.’s biodiversity

River otters thrive in upper Rio Grande

Department, partners study razorback suckers in San Juan River

Also, see the latest joint effort between the Department’s Share with Wildlife program and the Motor Vehicle Division:

Gila monster license plates available for purchase


It is the mission of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to conserve, regulate, propagate and protect the wildlife and fish within the State of New Mexico, using a flexible management system that ensures sustainable use for public food supply, recreation and safety—and to provide for off-highway motor vehicle recreation that recognizes cultural, historic and resource values while ensuring public safety.