Tristanna Bickford

Tristanna Bickford is the Assistant Chief of Education for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.

June, 2022

  • 23 June

    Cuatro herramientas valiosas para ayudarlo a tener un viaje de pesca exitoso

    Cuando era niña, los fines de semana fueron para las montañas, especialmente durante el verano. Mi familia estaba acampando, dando un paseo por un sendero, dando una caminata o pescando. Claro, algunos fines de semana de verano estaban llenos de partidos de fútbol o béisbol, compromisos familiares o tareas domésticas, …

  • 23 June

    Four valuable tools to help you have a successful fishing trip

    Growing up, weekends were for the mountains, especially in the summer. My family was camping, going for a trail ride, hiking or fishing. Sure, some summer weekends were filled with soccer or baseball games, family commitments or chores around the house, but most of my weekend memories come from the …

December, 2021

  • 21 December

    Incio de la temporada de caza mayor 2022-2023

    Las hojas han cambiado y caído a la tierra. Los surcos de los arces y los berrendos están a lo lejos y los surcos de los venados están llegando a su fin. Las botas han acumulado millas. Se han realizado disparos. Se han producido desgaste de cuerpos y equipos. Se …

  • 21 December

    Kicking off the 2022-2023 Big Game Hunting Season

    The leaves have changed and fallen to the ground. The elk and pronghorn ruts are in the distance and the deer rut is nearing its end. Miles have been put on boots. Shots have been taken. Wear and tear on bodies and equipment have happened. Wildlife has been seen. Memories …

  • 6 December

    Conoce a Edward Enriquez

    ¿Sabía usted que Nuevo México tiene tres especies de lobina negra: lobina de boca grande, lobina de boca chica y lobina moteada? En el #TeamNMGameandFish de este mes, conocemos al biólogo de pesca de aguas calientes, Edward Enriquez. Durante los últimos tres años y tres meses, Edward ha coordinado y …

  • 6 December

    Meet Edward Enriquez – #TeamNMGameandFish

    Did you know that New Mexico has three species of black bass: largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and spotted bass? In this month’s #TeamNMGameandFish we meet Warmwater Fisheries Biologist Edward Enriquez. For the past three years and three months, Edward has coordinated and led spring bass electrofishing surveys, assisted with the …

November, 2021

  • 12 November

    Meet Philip Lujan – #TeamNMGameandFish

    There are many people within the Department who can be considered a jack of all trades. Philip Lujan is a master of many things and helps the Department run smoothly. Especially under current circumstances, purchasing vehicles can be challenging and frustrating. Negotiating the purchase of numerous vehicles a year and …

September, 2021

  • 8 September

    Meet Vivian Fernandez – #TeamNMGameandFish

    The Department of Game and Fish currently has over 300 full-time employees. Working through the hiring process, managing personnel records, ensuring proper recruitment, running payroll and leave management can be a challenge. The Department’s small team of four manages the diversity in employees and customers.

  • 8 September

    Conoce a Vivian Fernández – #TeamNMGameandFish

    El Departamento de Caza y Pesca actualmente cuenta con más de 300 empleados. Trabajar a través del proceso de contratación, administrar los registros del personal, garantizar la contratación adecuada, ejecutar la nómina y administrar el tiempo libre puede ser un desafío. El pequeño equipo de cuatro del Departamento gestiona la …

August, 2021

  • 24 August

    It’s easy to remain legal while fishing

    I recently have received several phone calls, emails and social media messages with people asking how to pay for the ticket they received while fishing. I reached out to the Department’s Law Enforcement Division to determine the top three fishing violations across the state and what a person can do …