Turkey populations appear to be entering a period of decline in New Mexico after several years of breeding-season drought. Turkey populations are highly influenced by precipitation and such a decline is anticipated given the drought; numbers respond quickly when the rains return. Spring moisture is important to create food sources …
January, 2023
15 January
Pronóstico de caza del pavo 2023-2024
Las poblaciones de pavos parecen estar entrando en un período de disminución en Nuevo México después de varios años de sequía en la temporada reproductiva. Las poblaciones de pavos están mus influenciadas por las precipitaciones y se anticipa tal disminución dada la sequía; los números responden rápidamente cuando vuelven las …
April, 2017
13 April
Gould’s wild turkey
Gould’s wild turkey in New Mexico The wild turkey is a popular game bird throughout the United States, with their excellent eyesight and cautious behavior making for a challenging hunt. The excitement of calling in a tom or hearing the first gobble of the morning will create a lifelong memory. …