In the high–elevation forests of Northern New Mexico is an elusive and little-known member of the weasel family, the Pacific marten (Martes caurina). The Pacific marten is classified as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in New Mexico. This designation is given to species because of various dynamics such as vulnerability (learn more here: Pacific martens are found in Canada, the Pacific Northwest, the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevadas and at the southernmost part of their range, New Mexico. Limited data exists on Pacific martens due to their solitary nature. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is addressing this gap in research by conducting a multi-year study using camera traps to collect data on population dynamics. In these photos, the Department’s carnivore and small mammal program manager, Nick Forman, works in the Sangre de Cristo Range to establish camera and lure stations.
Nick evaluates a potential trail camera site. He considers their habitat preferences and focuses on features that would entice a visit.
Cameras are placed every 4 kilometers throughout the range, in habitats above 10,000 feet to understand how martens are distributed throughout New Mexico.
The Pacific marten is a small carnivore that plays a crucial role in its ecosystems. It feeds on smaller species, like birds, mice, and other small mammals. Martens are arboreal, meaning they mostly reside in trees. The cameras are located in their natural habitat.
Cameras are positioned in trees 15 to 20 feet high, where martens prefer to reside and to anticipate winter snow levels.
Nick and the Department have developed a unique instrument to attract pine martens to camera locations. To entice a marten to visit, he pours a call lure.
Pacific martens photographed using trail cameras.For more information on the project, watch this short informational video about research on the Pacific marten.